ALS ICH CAN - LIMITED EDITION - 50 pcs - paper on wood
Silene Coronaria (Rose campion) - edition, 40 x 28 cm
Origanum Syriacum (Syrian oregano) - edition, 33.3 x 26.6 cm
Saxifraga Granulata (Meadow Saxifrage) - edition, 33.3 x 23.7 cm
Paeonia Mascula (Male Peony) - edition, 40 x 28 cm
Achillea Millefolium (Common yarrow) - edition, 46.7 x 19.3 cm
Scan: Cruse Fine Art scan performed by Fotorama, Ghent, Belgium
Paper type: Hahnemühle Fine Art 305 g.
Ink type: Epson UltraChrome K3
Print and affixation: performed by Fotorama, Ghent, Belgium
Type of wood: tropical Ayous wood, protected at the back and sides with transparent varnish Paraloïd B72. The front is treated with a white pore filler from Everhyd.
€ 485 apiece
€ 2200 full set of 5
On view at Roots restaurant, Ghent and Coupe Maison hair salon, Ghent..
To place an order or to ask for more information please contact info@liescaeyers.com.